Webinars, Training and Conferences


Events and Conferences

NZAC organizes a wide range of events, including national, regional, and local workshops and Professional Development opportunities. These events are promoted through our website's calendar and the monthly Professional Development Newsletter.

In 2024, we're excited to mark our 50th anniversary as a Professional Association, and we're currently planning a special celebration. This event will be adjacent with a School Guidance Counsellors Conference. If you're interested in hosting a workshop at these events or securing a trade stand, please contact our Professional Development Administrator, Jo McNab, at  info@nzac.org.nz.

2024 Conferences

School Guidance Conference - Kia tū maia, kia tū mātārā, kia kaha tū tōnu

We are pleased to announce the release of the programme for the upcoming Kia tū maia, kia tū mātārā, kia kaha tū tōnu; 2024 School Guidance Counsellor Conference (SGC) on the 2nd of September. Develop your knowledge and understanding of topics that will benefit your SGC practice; network with other members, speakers and NZAC staff and contribute to powerful conversations about the future of School Guidance Counsellors in Aotearoa. 

Key information
Venue: Shed 6, Waterfront, Pōneke/Wellington 6011
Date: Monday the 2nd of Mahuru/September, 2024

Book your tickets here

View the programme here

Travel and Accomodation Guide here

Following this conference, NZAC will host a two-day conference at the same venue to celebrate our 50th anniversary on the 3rd and 4th of September. Details below. 

50th Anniversary Conference - Whakanuia Ki Muri, Kia Anga Whakamua

With 2024 set to celebrate 50 years of the New Zealand Association of Counsellors we are coordinating a special conference focusssed on "Whakanuia ki muri, kia anga whakamua" (Celebrating the past, to move forward). Join us to develop your knowledge and understanding of topics that will benefit your practice; network with other members, speakers, politicians, and NZAC staff; learn about and celebrate the history of NZAC and contribute to powerful conversations about the future of counsellors in Aotearoa. 

Key information
Venue: Shed 6, Waterfront, Pōneke/Wellington 6011
Date: Tuesday the 3rd and Wednesday the 4th of Mahuru/September, 2024

Book your tickets here

View the programme here

Travel and Accomodation Guide here

Dinner tickets here

Interested in hosting a workshop, sponsoring or securing a trade stand? 

If you're interested in hosting a workshop at these events or securing a trade stand, please contact our Professional Development Administrator, Jo McNab, via  info@nzac.org.nz.

Past events:

2023 - Kia Mau, Kia Tika, Kia Puawai (To Pause, To Reset, To Grow) event 

2022 - Tihei Mauri Ora Conference 

If you have any questions regarding these events, please contact Professional Development administrator Jo McNab via email at  info@nzac.org.nz