Membership Fees


Membership Fees 2024 – 2025

Fee GST Total
Full Membership $572.70 $85.90 $658.60
Provisional Member $361.56 $54.23 $415.79
Non-practising  $117.30 $17.60 $134.90
Retired $55.20 $8.28 $63.48
Subscriber $117.30 $17.50 $134.89
Student Affiliate $55.20 $8.28 $63.48

A low income rebate of 30% is available to assist members with limited personal incomes who are finding it difficult to pay their membership fee.  To be eligible for the rebate you need to be:

  • A Full or Provisional Member
  • Earn up to $54,080.00 per annum (this is the living wage rate for the current year).
  • Provide a copy of you Certificate of Earnings from IRD, for the financial year (1 April - 31 March) which has just ended; or
  • Provide a copy of your annual accounts, prepared by your accountant.
To apply for the rebate or for more information please contact Debbie by 30 June 2024: Membership Renewal invoice for low income will only be amended once proof of low income has been sighted.

You are able to pay your membership fee in instalments by setting up an automatic payment with us and paying the fee off in monthly or fortnightly payments over up to 10 months. Regular payments must be made and the fee paid in full by the end of January 2025. Payment plans are only for Provisional and Full Members at this time.

Please contact Debbie to set up your payment plan:

Application Fees 2024 - 2025

Fee GST Total
NZAC Accredited Education Provider $69.00 $10.35 $79.35
NZAC Non-Accredited Education Provider $124.20 $18.63 $142.83
Overseas Counsellor Education Programme $358.80 $53.82 $412.62
Particular Circumstances $1035.00 $155.25 $1,190.25
Upgrade to Full Member Fee $425.00 $63.75 $488.75
Reinstatement Fee $96.60 $14.49 $111.09